Sunday, 27 August 2017

Does listening to music improve your concentration?

Music is a very significant part of our life . You listen to music while carrying out any task , but do you listen to music while studying ? This is one of the famous topic going on . What do you think does listening got music help you in concentrating more . Well , few say yes whereas few say no . Many people listen to music while they are carrying out a task .  Why do you think so ? When you think about it that doesn't make much sense . Why would two things make you concentrate more , not less?  It's not clear why the brain likes music so much in the first place .although it clearly does . Interestingly , there is a specific spectrum of musical properties the brain prefers.  Not all the types of music help you focus only some do .  Music activates both the left and the right brain at the same time , and the activation of both the hemispheres can maximize learning and improve memory .
According to godkin, classical music ,as well as meditation music with added technology like brain entertainment technology, is ideal study music for concentration. One reason this genre works well is that there are no lyrics to distract you .  Music likely helps learning because it has a profound effect on our mood , blood pressure and heart rate .
For the best music to focus and study , choose tunes that keep you awake but don't choose tunes which make you dance and tap your body . 

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